Let’s talk email lists for businesses. They’re less talked about than Instagram content, but with Instagram and its frustrating algorithm screwing business owners over, you might have found yourself asking questions like… 

  • ‘Do I really need a mailing list?’ 
  • ‘Is it time I re-engage my email list?’ 
  • ‘I already have enough going on with social media… How would I even find the time for email?’ 

Well, major spoiler alert: having an email list in your business is super important for lots of reasons, which I’ll get into below. 

In this post, I’ll show you how to grow your list and write emails that turn your subscribers into buyers. 

(And as an extra special treat, I’ll show you how to use email marketing in your business without spending, you know, all your time on it.) 

Get your first or next 1,000 email subscribers. Click here.


Email lists for businesses: What are the benefits? 

Why are email lists for businesses such a big deal? Let’s dig in… 

1 They give you direct access to your audience 

You know that ‘Shouting into the void’ feeling you get when creating content for social media? Yeah, using email in your business isn’t like that. 

Unlike Instagram and all the other social media apps, email marketing gives you full control of your audience. 

And you aren’t competing with a gazillion other accounts just like yours for attention. 

That’s one of the biggest advantages of email lists for businesses — you’re not at the mercy of an algorithm.

If someone subscribes to your email list, they’ve already shown an interest in what you offer. That means better engagement too. Yay! 

2 The conversion rates are straight fire 

woman looking at email marketing covnersion chart on laptop

Look, there’s no way around it: when you compare Instagram’s conversion rate with email’s conversion rate, email totally eclipses it. 

Email marketing offers five times the conversion rate of any other marketing platform. (Seriously, read that again!) 


Email lists for businesses are way less effort, there are no annoying algorithm hoops to jump through, and you’ll get more sales/sign-ups/bookings?! Yep, it’s a no-brainer. 

Want to turn your email list into bookings in your biz? Click here 


3 You own your audience 

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat at the thought of losing all your Instagram followers? No? Just me then? 

The hard truth is that social media platforms come and go. You could wake up tomorrow and your account – and all the followers you have there – could be gone. 

Email lists for businesses are such a smart move because you own your list. Even if you change your email marketing platform, you can take your subscribers with you. 

Phew, Phew. Double phew. 


4 It’s like meeting a friend for coffee 

The best way to describe it is this: If social media feels like walking into a room and shouting to be heard, then email is like sitting down for a good old one-on-one chinwag with a mate. 

Your audience’s inbox is a much less chaotic place to be! 

Plus, email allows you to send targeted, personalised messages, so it’s a must for improved engagement and customer loyalty. 



Should you buy an email list for your business?

woman using laptop on the sofa with a smartphone

Please for the love of all that is good and pure DO NOT BUY AN EMAIL LIST. 

Unless you want to spam a bunch of people with emails they didn’t ask for, get loads of unsubscribes, and send your conversion rates into a hole. 

Buying email lists for businesses is just like buying followers for your social media accounts. You just end up with a bunch of unengaged people on there and that ain’t good for business. 

It damages credibility and it can land you in hot water too because of GDPR regulations Just no. 

Ready to make email your most reliable source of bookings? Click here 


What email marketing platform should you use? 

Entreprener using laptop on desk

Me? I’m a big fan of Kit. (Formerly ConvertKit). It’s super user-friendly and designed for small businesses, which makes it a great option if you’re just starting out. 

(They have loads of gorgeous email templates too!) 

Other good options include MailerLite and FloDesk. I’ve used and can recommend both. 


How to grow your business mailing list: A step-by-step guide 

At this point, you might be thinking, ‘This is all well and good, Victoria, but I have next to no subscribers. How do I A) get more people on my list, and B) actually get them interested in my products and services?’ 

I got you! 


Here’s a step-by-step on how to get your first or next 1,000 subscribers… 

A quick disclaimer first though… You’re going to see lots of grand claims online about people getting 1,000 subscribers overnight or what have you, but please take these stories with a hefty pinch of salt. 

Growing your list takes time but it’s totally worth it! 

1 Create an irresistible lead magnet 

woman with glasses using laptop at home

A lead magnet is a freebie that you offer your audience in exchange for their email addresses. 

And where email lists for business are concerned, they’re pretty much the fastest and most reliable way to get subscribers onto your list ASAP. 

The premises is simple: People sign up to receive said freebie, and et voila, they’re not on your email list. 

Common types of lead magnets include: 

  • Masterclasses 
  • Mini-courses 
  • Downloadable planners or guides 
  • Checklists and cheatsheets 
  • Ebooks 
  • Discount codes 

The trick to creating a really great lead magnet? Creating a resource that solves an immediate problem for your target audience. 

What are they grappling with right now? What’s really p*ssing them off? 

If you can create a lead magnet that offers your target audience a really quick win, you’re on the right track! 


2 Make a high-converting landing page 

A lead magnet landing page is where people sign up for your lead magnet and it needs to be on point, otherwise, your potential subscribers are going to land on it and think, ‘Meh, this isn’t for me’. Check out one of mine here. 

Tips for creating a high-converting lead magnet landing page

  • Keep it short and sweet (Personally? I like mine with less than 100 words.) 
  • Give it a clear, compelling headline 
  • Highlight the benefits of your freebie 
  • Include an attractive call-to-action button. Bold colours work best! 

Remember: the goal is to encourage people to hit that big old ‘Give me my freebie’ button. 


3 Make email list building a priority (I’m serious!) 

businesswoman filming content on camera

The biggest mistake I see businesses make with their email lists? Starting a list and then just… leaving it there. 

I’m sorry to break the bad news, but your email list won’t just grow on its own. List-building needs to be something you commit to. 

Your list and the lead magnets you’ve created for it, need to be marketed and promoted with the same energy and enthusiasm you use to market and promote your product and services. 

The most reliable way to grow your email list? Mark one week in the calendar, ideally every month but at least once a quarter, that’s dedicated to solely marketing your list. 

And during that week you might like to… 

  • Create carousels and reels that lead people to your freebies 
  • Publish blogs that signpost your audience to your freebies 
  • Post story sequences on your social media that encourage people to join 
  • Go live once or twice to talk about topics related to your freebies 

Remember: The most successful email lists for businesses grow because their owners consistently mention them in their content.


4 Talk about your list A LOT 

If you aren’t talking about your list, people won’t know it exists, so get into the habit of mentioning it regularly. 

  • If you’re sending out a newsletter with a not-to-be-missed tip or a juicy piece of goss, tease it on your social media channels before it goes out. 
  • When people give you great feedback on your emails, share it with your social media audience. 
  • If you’re being interviewed on a podcast, slide your list or lead magnet into conversation, if you can. 

Be on the lookout for opportunities to talk about your list, and you will find them! And the more you promote it the faster it will grow. 

Win your next 10 clients with email. Get started now – Click here


How to create email marketing campaigns that convert 

Look, with all been there, stuck with a blank Google doc staring at the blinking cursor of doom. 

And yes, one of the most common questions I’m asked about email lists for businesses is, ‘Now that I have a list, what the bl*ody hell do I write?’ 

As it should be: after all what you write in your emails is the single most important aspect of email marketing success. 

It’s not the fancy graphics you use, the branding or the design, that will make the difference. 

The content of your emails is what turns email lists for businesses into real client-attracting machines. 


How to write emails and newsletters for your audience 

The most important thing is writing in a way that nurtures your audience, connects with them at an emotional level, and moves them along the buyer journey. 

So, what is the buyer journey? 

The buyer journey is the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider, evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service. 

It is their path to deciding whether or not to invest in a solution, and by tailoring your content towards each part of that journey, you can move them along these stages. 

I.e closer to becoming your client or customer.  Woohoo! 

There are four stages in this journey and learning how to activate your audience at each stage of this journey? Well, that’s the real secret sauce to email marketing success. 

Want to know how it’s done? I go DEEP on exactly what to write in your emails for better conversions in my course Emails To Earnings. 

Ready to turn your subscribers into paying clients? I got you! 

Click here to learn all about it. 


Email lists for businesses: The last word 

Business woman using phone and laptop in home office

If you’re relying on social media to grow your business, you’re missing a trick. (You’re also going to get burned out pretty fast!) 

An engaged email list is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can have. (Less of cl*sterfuck than Instagram and five times the conversion rate, what’s not to love?!) 

So, whether you’re starting from scratch or reviving a neglected list, now’s the time to turn your emails into earnings! 


Click here to start growing your email list now